How to Learn Anything in 5 minutes

Ricardo Castillo
1 min readMar 22, 2021

No, it’s not your average clickbait.

Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

The secret is to divide and conquer whatever you are learning.

学习 (Xué xí)

Those Mandarin (simplified) characters above mean “Learning”. Learning all Chinese characters is certainly impossible in 5 minutes. But what if you only learn these two “学习”.

Suddenly, that feels like the easiest task in the world in comparison, doesn’t it?

This “学习” means “learning”. In 5 minutes you can draw it several times, search for its pronunciation, practice it, etc.

You could even make some nonsensical story about a kid name Edd who is eating a book and his brother is telling him to chew faster because their mom is watching.

Brother: Chew Edd, she is watching!

Do you see what I did there? I crafted similar sounds in English with a weird story of a world where eating books makes you smart, but kids don’t want to because is the equivalent of eating your veggies.

Happy learning, happy life. By the way, what does this “学习” mean?

